What to Look Forward to…

The Adamsist Girl: American History Blog is of course all about American History. The question remains how to make sure that the blog doesn’t just focus on one era or person (though much of my entries will probably be). So, I put together scheduled series to keep a sort of variety to the blog. I also thought it would make it easier for this amateur historian to not overwhelm herself.

This page is to give you, the readers a synopsis of each of these series. Enjoy and maybe in the near future as I work on the layout of the blog I will have folders for these series to make easier for readers if they like a particular one.

This Week in History: When I began this blog I was trying to write everyday of an event that happened on that day. That became pretty overwhelming, but also I wanted to go more in-depth to the events. I felt I had almost not time to research. Hence I changed the series. Every Wednesday an entry will be posted of an event that happened on that particular week.

Quote of the Week: This series has been around since the beginning of the blog. Just like History of the Week I changed the amount of entries for this series. Every Monday a quick entry will be posted of a quote by an American (dead or alive), it is not one that goes in depth, but I will place a photo of the person (if there is one) and short little details of the person I quoted.

Historic Place Tuesday: I have visited a good many places in my over thirty years of living. This series is to highlight about historic locations I have visited and feel should get some limelight. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month I will be writing an entry. The entry will be not just my experiences at the said location, but the history, and how one can visit.

Haunted History Thursday: This series is special, for those who know we well know I am a sucker for a place that is considered haunted. It was not just the ghost stories, it was learning about the history of a place that was haunted. I had always felt that once you learned about a supposed haunted location you could sort the fact and lore. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday an entry will be written about a suppose haunted location. Instead of diving right into the ghost and paranormal I will dive into the history. I will find the true ties to the stories or how the stories are grossly exaggerated or untrue.

Ohio History: Though I currently live in Connecticut I was born and raised in the Buckeye State. I always felt that in school they did not dive enough into the state’s history. (We are only taught Ohio History in 4th grade) This series which will be an entry on the 1st Saturday of every month will dive into the history of Ohio. It will not be entries that start from the first people to live on the land to modern, but rather various events that create the history of Ohio.

Where I Am: A Historical Location Spotlight: This series is almost like Historic Place Tuesday except it focuses more on my location and not places I have gone. I wanted to put this series together because history is everywhere. This is also the only series that will not be just American History. It is giving a spotlight on the local history where I am living or visiting. This series will be posted on the 4th Sunday of every month.